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Romancing The Blatt

Romancing The Blatt book cover

Romancing The Blatt is a collection of real, heartwarming and humorous stories that any fan of Rosenblastt Stadium or the College World Series will enjoy. There’s plenty of historical accounts, too.


  1. I just finished your book. Our mutual friend Merle Stebbins surprised me with it. Merle & Kathy sat behind me in Section P until the bitter end. The move to the new POS found us close together and baking in the sun. Fortunately we’ve been able to move to shaded seats on the first base side. Memories starting back in 1984. Meeting Bill Jenson as he took my first ticket. Buying my first program from Bill Jenson’s 14 year old daughter Michelle. 3 years later as I was exiting the backdoor of the Spring Inn only to find out that Mike the ticket taker was actually an Omaha Police Officer. My daughter’s first trip. My son celebrating his 3rd birthday in 1992 when Texas won and played before a record crowd that stood for a long time. Partying with the LSU, UT, & displaced locals among little trees that finally grew. Going in and out of Zane’s pass gate. Buying my first program from Bill Jenson’s 14 year old daughter Michelle. Meeting the GREAT Coach Rod Dado and stopping legendary player/coach Jerry Kindall dead in his tracks as he walked by and couldn’t believe we all knew who he was as he and his 7-Up tried to make their way to the Press Box.
    The announcement and standing O for Coach Dado, Jesse Cuevas and the Grounds Crew ar Cascio’s. Over the years the closing of The Stadium View and oh so many restaurants. Yet the beat goes on. There’s baseball in a lifeless setting that faces the wrong way and the memories of oh so many good times with so many friends. The only redeeming factor is that we still make new friends in Lot D…and we all miss The Blatt!

    1. I hope you enjoyed the book, Mickey. Merle had a big influence on me during my formative years.Good to hear a few of your memories.
      I went to the new park in 2011 and left with an empty heart. Haven’t been back since.
      The Blatt lives forever in our hearts. They can’t take that away.

      1. I’m glad you said Merle was a big influence and not a good influence…
        The friendships and memories can never be taken away. The will truly live forever as long as one person shares one memory.

  2. I just read Romancing the Blatt as part of a book club challenge. The challenge was to read a book set in the state you were born in. Wow! Am I so glad I chose this book! What an amazing tribute to the iconic stadium. It brought back SO many wonderful memories of the times I had growing up at the stadium and tears to my eyes. Out of respect for the Blatt-I refuse to go to the new stadium. They can’t take my memories away!

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